Today, my coworker, Figen, observed my classroom. I was teaching "narration" revising all past tenses and some useful expressions. In the first hour I focused on the structure and had my students do some structured "fill in the blanks" activities. Giving the answers and talking about the reasons and the clues I guess the students were ready to produce some language using the target points.
First, I read them a story written by me telling about an event happened in the classroom. The story I read was from the student's point of view and I asked them to retell the other side of the story from the teacher's point of view. They acted like two teachers in the teachers room and one of them told what happened in the classroom and the other one was responding asking questions or commenting.
Secondly, I put the students in groups of 4 and gave one piece of sheet to each group. I wrote the first three lines of a story on the board and the students were supposed to complete it. Here, the key point was in each group every student had to wait his turn to add one sentence to their story. In other words, reading the previously written sentences by their group members they wrote their sentences. They had 5 or 6 turns and in the end they would write the whole story.
It was an enjoyable lesson for me and for my students and the learning outcomes have been achieved.Seeing that the students could use past forms including "would" and "saw/heard doing...", I was relieved.
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