15 Kasım 2012 Perşembe


Today was also an average day. The only issue was in a writing exercise. Again, we had plenty of time, so we could practice writing for the exam. I had my students write from the DVD portion of the book. They all wrote a paragraph or two and then they corrected their own. I wrote the criteria for corrections on the board. I wanted them to remember to correct their own writings and look at their own previous writing mistakes and remembering their faults so they can check them as they complete the exam. Thinking back, I should have had them complete the "checking" list, but they were writing as I completed the list.

I had them check their own, and then I mixed up their papers and had them check each others . This was a good idea, as I differentiated  or intentionally gave certain papers to certain students. I tried to pair up a weak student with a more advanced one, that way the advanced student could effectively correct the weaker's and the weaker student could see a good example. This worked well with most. I should have insisted that students corrected more. Some didn't correct much, if at all. We just had to complete more of the book than time allowed, so we couldn't fully milk the exercise like I would have wanted. I think it did help, however, and they hopefully will do well on the writing exam.

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