9th November, Reflection
Today went well except for a few points. I want to start with what went well. Today ı paid special attention to be clear when ı give the instructions. I gave them in English and ı used very simple sentences. Afterwards, to check the understanding, ı wanted one student to tell what we are doing in Turkish. It worked especially for a pair work activity we did.It was an information gap activity. Student A was supposed to read one text and B another text at the end of the book.First ı arranged the pairs as A and B. Then ı wanted As to raise their hands.Okay you will read the text on this page and answer the questions.Then ı asked Bs to raise their hands. Then ı told them to go to page.... I showed them the text and wanted them to read and answer the questions of this text. Before ı was expecting students to understand easily what they are supposed to do as they are kind of used to these type of activities. However, I noticed that for each activity ı have to give clear instructions step by step.
We also covered a grammer point, the articles. It was a subject that the studets are already familiar with. So it was very easy to include the students in every stage of the grammer explanation. They like it more when they are fully included in the lesson. Whenever ı talk a little bit more than enough, I lose them. So ı try to keep them alert by eliciting and asking questions even if they yes no questions.
As for the bad points, although ı want them to increase STT as much as possible, when it is their turn to talk, to discuss something for example, I noticed that ı interrup them to help them out whenever they get stuck. I dont think it does them good, though because maybe they are going to express themselves if ı give them enough time. However, this time the other students start talking and it becomes difficult to manage. So ı am not very sure of what to do about it.
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