Positive Sides : Today was very communicative!!.In both of my classes, we practiced ordering food in a restaurant, and we did this by converting our classroom into a restaurant. We prepared the menu together with my students and printed it out for the customers. We did five rounds of the role play. In each round, we had a waiter and five customers. Before we started role playing, we watched sample videos on ordering food, and I clarified the language structured they would use. My students were very productive today and each individual got the opportunity to practice speaking. Actually this was the first time I conducted such an activity, and it turned out to be very useful.
Negative Sides: As you may know, today we had make-up classes today and we had only one unit the schedule. We almost finished Unit5, and I wanted to use some extra materials. However, although I brought extra material into class, I had difficulty in filling time. In the last fifteen minutes, I had nothing to do so I just tried to make up an activity : but it was a failure! I had to research about last-minute time fillers and keep them in my for such extraordinary cases. Do you guys have any ideas for time-fillers, or do you know any activities which I can use with any topic& grammar point ?? I would appreciate if you share your ideas.
Thank you for reading,
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