11 Kasım 2012 Pazar

Allison - Wednesday, November 7th

Well, today went extremely well, considering the students participated in a 7 hour day in two extremely hot classrooms. I was miserable, so I can imagine the same from them, if not more!  I did enjoy the classes, however, and we ended on a good note.  They thoroughly enjoyed the final activity of the day, and all students were awake and no one complained! Score on my part! It was the first creative writing activity that was completely fictional. All of the writings from the book in e-mail or blog format about themselves. Sometimes it is a fictional situation, but always believable. This writing, with the only guidance being “it has to be in an outdoor space and involve an animal,” kept the students much more engaged and was more fun for them. It was also fun for me to read as well!
One do over I wish I could have was in a reading section. It was the second hour of the makeup section, so students had been in class for 6 hours, and some were sleeping, but most were extremely chatty cathys. A reading was next and I had planned to go over some challenging vocabulary before we began, but I was too busy trying to rein them in to mention this. This made the students a little frustrated and I extremely frustrated because I had to go around and answer all of the questions! After they finished reading, we went over the new vocabulary, but things would have gone much more smoothly, had I remembered!

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