19 Kasım 2012 Pazartesi

Kamile: Reflection (19.11.2012)

Kamile: Reflection (19.11.2012)

Today was really different. I had a video class today and my students were quite different during the recording. Actually, they asked me the reason why we recorded the class and I told them that as they made me unhappy I wanted a recording and they believed that!! They decided to be hardworking students. They were much more silent and participative than normal so we had a satisfactory lesson. After the video class they continued to be energetic.Of course, I had some students sleeping as normal but it was not a big problem.Actually, today's only problem was by terrible toothache so İt was a difficult day for me.
When it comes to the classes we studied on a reading about which I provided pictures and a video for my students.We had lots of speaking activity about the topic of the reading because the topic was really enjoyable and appropriate for disscussion...

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